標題 | 郭哲來研究員實驗室徵求博士後研究員 |
徵人單位 | 中央研究院原子與分子科學研究所 |
徵才內容 | We have three Post-doc positions funded by MoST@TW from Aug/01/2021 onward to develop computational algorithms to simulate vibrational/electronic spectroscopic of molecular systems.• We look for candidates with strong background in molecular dynamics, quantum chemistry or solid state physics.• Experience in programming in python is a plus.• These positions are collaboration among several theoretical research teams on the same campus.• We have close collaborations with many experimental groups in Taiwan, Japan, China, Korea, India, Germany and USA.• Successful candidates will be expected to lead project(s) with an emphasis on creative and critical thinking, independence and troubleshooting skills.• Please refer to our google scholar page for recent (< 2 yrs) publications: https://scholar.google.com.tw/citations?user=n9C8VrcAAAAJ&hl • Initial appointment will be one year with potential for renewal upon mutual agreements.• Join us to broaden your research scope and sharpen your research skills. Please send your CV, three names to source reference letters and a 1-page statement of the relevance between your expertise and our research interests to Dr. Jer-Lai Kuo (jlkuogm@gmail.com) |
相關網址 | https://sites.google.com/site/jlkiams/ |
聯絡人姓名 | 郭哲來研究員 |
聯絡E-Mail | jlkuogm@gmail.com |
聯絡電話 | 02-23624961 |
刊登截止日期 | 2021-08-31 |
其他補充 |