主講人:Prof. Hsing-Ta (Theta) Chen (Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Notre Dame)
題目: Collective optical effects and local electron dynamics: Superradiance, Rabi splitting, and Marcus rates
時間:113年1月5日(五) 10:30
地點: 4F Lecture Hall, Cosmology Hall, NTU (台灣大學次震宇宙館4樓演講廳)
報告語言: 英文
Online Link (Webex):https://nationaltaiwanuniversity-zbh.my.webex.com/nationaltaiwanuniversity-zbh.my/j.php?MTID=m878855a185b91d45904a195d596ecdd4
Meeting number: 2552 213 4773
Password: mKE8U6aQMh6 (65388627 from phones and video systems)
Strong light-matter interactions between quantum excitations and confined electromagnetic
fields open up new possibilities to impact chemical reactivity and charge transport. When
electronic or vibrational excitations are strongly coupled with a photon mode (for example near a
plasmonic nanoparticle or in a microcavity), collective excitations lead to intriguing phenomena
that are fundamentally different from conventional photoexcitation. Despite recent
developments, understanding collective excitation remains challenging from theory and
simulation perspectives. In this talk, I will present our recent efforts in modeling superradiance
and cavity effects in a disordered system and our future endeavors of developing a theoretical
toolbox for simulating collective excitation in materials.