T2CoMSA Award for poster competition in the 2022 Chemical Society National Meeting (2022化學年會), March 12~13, 2022 in National Taiwan Normal UniversityThe awards ceremony will be held at The General Meeting of T2CoMSA and 2022 Student Conference on September 3, 2022.Congratulations to the awardees!
國立清華大學 馬元偉Yuan-Wei Ma
Fibril Surface-Dependent Amyloid Precursors Revealed by Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics Simulation
中央研究院 楊朝巽Chou-Hsun Yang
Theoretical studies of outer-shell reorganization energy with diagonal disorder dynamics
國立臺灣科技大學 吳亮廷Liang-Ting Wu
Theoretical Insights into PCL Polymer Electrolyte Decomposition at Li Metal Interface: Prediction of SEI Components in All-Solid-State Lithium Batteries
國立臺灣大學 阮荷娟Nguyen Ha Quyen
Optimization of anharmonic vibrational coordinates
淡江大學 周芸楚Yun-Chu Chou
The Molecular Mechanism of Fluorescence Thermometer: Dihedral Flipping Motions of Tryptophan governs the Dependence of Fluorescence Intensity on Temperature
國立臺灣科技大學 蔡明泉Cai Ming Quan
A DFT and Microkinetic study of photocatalytic formaldehyde oxidation over TiO2 (101) surface-Effects of light intensity