The General Meeting of Taiwan Theoretical and Computational Molecular Sciences Association (T2CoMSA) and 2022 Student Conference
Date: September 3, 2022
Venue: Rm MD277, Paul Cardinal Shan Medical Building (College of Medicine), Fu Jen Catholic University
Important notice for Epidemic Prevention (update on August 31)
The FJCU Epidemic Prevention Team has stipulated this week that people outside the school should not come to the campus to participate in assembly activities if they are in
(1) the 7 days of self-health management (7+7) or
(2) self-initiated epidemic prevention (3+4/0+7)
If you have not completed the above regulations on September 3, please send an email to
To protect the health and safety of all the members is our greatest concern. Keeping with this, if any member is not feeling well, they should refrain from attending the conference and please stay at home for rest.
We deeply regret to inform that we don’t have an online meeting for this event.
Hope you understand our difficult decision and looking forward to meeting you on September 3 at Fu Jen Catholic University.
We continue the great tradition of the Taiwan Theoretical and Computational Molecular Sciences Association (T2CoMSA). The General Meeting of Taiwan Theoretical and Computational Molecular Sciences Association (T2CoMSA) and 2022 Student Conference will be held on September 3, 2022, in Rm MD277, Paul Cardinal Shan Medical Building (College of Medicine), Fu Jen Catholic University.
The Conference provides an open forum for the scientific exchange and the presentations are reserved for students, RAs, and Postdocs. The presentation can be either as an oral or poster presentation. All submissions will be evaluated by the review committee and the committee will make the final decision on the presentation method. Those who are interested in telling us about your research, please submit an abstract in English by August 5. The results will be announced on August 15 following the review.
The oral presentation will be 12 minutes plus 3 minutes of Q&A and discussion. The report files and posters are to be given in English. The Cash awards will be given to the best presentations (Only members of T2CoMSA are entitled to compete).
Participants are also welcomed without contributing to the scientific program. We encourage the members to register and participate at this event.
延續台灣理論計算分子科學學會的傳統,2022年台灣理論計算分子科學學會會員大會暨學生研討會將在9月3日以實體會議方式於輔仁大學國璽樓二樓會議室MD277舉辦。論文發表以學生、助理、博士後學者參加為主,投稿者可選擇以口頭報告或海報展示方式發表,經審查後,以委員建議之報告方式為主。投稿者請於8月5日前繳交英文摘要,8月15日將公布審查結果。口頭報告時間為12分鐘報告及3分鐘的問答討論,報告檔案及海報展示請用英文呈現。會中將評選出優秀的演講及海報發表,將頒發獎金及獎狀 (需具本會有效會員身分參與競賽。歡迎會員們投稿參加,踴躍報名一同到場共襄盛舉。
Join as a T2CoMSA member: 本次繳交111年度會員費,有效期間為111年8月1日起至112年7月31日止。
The important dates of the conference are as follows:
Registration Open: July 17, 2022
Registration Deadline: August 5, 2022
Abstract Submission Deadline: August 5, 2022
Notification of Abstract Acceptance: August 14, 2022
Program update: August 14, 2022
台灣理論計算分子科學學會 Taiwan Theoretical and Computational Molecular Sciences Association
輔仁大學化學系 Department of Chemistry, Fu Jen Catholic University