延續台灣理論計算分子科學學會的優良傳統,2021年台灣理論計算分子科學學會會員大會暨學生研討會將在9月3日舉辦。因應COVID-19疫情,本年度會議採取線上方式舉行,請儘早註冊!會議的論文發表,將以學生、助理、博士後學者為主。有意進行線上報告者請在註冊時勾選並提供演講主題,在收到大會傳送上傳網址後於8月23日前上傳12~15分鐘的演講影片,在9月3日當天每位演講者進行1分鐘快速簡介以及9分鐘問題與討論。研討會中將評選出優秀的演講發表,頒發獎金及獎狀 (需具本會有效會員身分參與競賽) 。
We continue the great tradition of the Taiwan Theoretical and Computational Molecular Sciences Association (T2CoMSA). The General Meeting of Taiwan Theoretical and Computational Molecular Sciences Association (T2CoMSA) and 2021 Student Conference will be held on September 3, 2021. In response to the COVID-19 epidemic, this year’s conference will be held online. Please register as early as possible!
Presentations are reserved for students, RAs and Postdocs to present their research results. Those who are interested in making an online presentation should provide the topic of the speech when registering, and upload a 12-15 minute presentation video before August 23 after receiving the upload URL from the conference host. On September 3, each speaker will deliver a 1-minute flash talk and then have a 9-minute Q&A. Cash awards will be given to the best presentations (Only members of T2CoMSA are entitled to compete.)
開會日期: 2021年9月3日 (September 3, 2021)
開會方式: 線上 (Online)
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/view/2021-t2comsa/
The important dates of the conference are as follows:
Registration open: August 5, 2021
Registration deadline: August 18, 2021
Deadline for uploading presentation video files: 12:00pm, August 23, 2021
Open for participants to browse online presentation videos: August 25, 2021
Online general meeting and student conference: September 3, 2021