主講人:牟中原院士 (台灣大學化學系)
題目:Plasmonic photo-catalysis
日期: 2021-04-29 18:00
報名截止時間 :2021年4月29日中午12點止
The last two decades have seen a vigorous growth of exploration in plasmonics in the interaction between light and free carriers in metals. The phenomenon includes SERS, plasmonic photocatalysis and plasmonic photonics. When plasmonic excited electron can be ejected from the metal nanoparticle, the hot electron, to affect some catalytic action, one observed the so-called “plasmonic photo-catalysis”. The field has shown many very promising experimental results in giving excellent catalysis. I will begin in this presentation with showing a few experimental systems from my lab that give plasmonic catalytic transformations. This includes,
(1) Photocatalytic H2O2 Production with Au/TiO2 catalysts (using hot electron to reduce oxygen to H2O2)
(2) Ordered Mesoporous Au/TiO2 Nanospheres for Solvent-Free Visible-Light-Driven Plasmonic Oxidative Coupling Reactions of Amines (using hot hole)
However, theoretical understanding of the catalytic action is rather poor at present. I will then discuss the theoretical issues in plasmonic photocatalysis.